Thursday, April 17, 2014

Now or Never

  Sooo,  to be 100% honest, I really haven't been making as much progress as I would like on this project. I seem to be stuck. Some days I feel so confident in myself but then the next it is low. The thing is I don't really know why I struggle with confidence and what makes me so shy. I want to figure out the root of my problem but really I have absolutely no clue how to do that.  I want to be able to go up and talk to people when ever I want without rehearsing conversations in my head or be able to be more free spirited and just go with the flow.
 One thing that I think could be pretty easy to work on that involves my lack of confidence is decision making. When it comes to making decisions, even the smallest ones, I am very indecisive. I have been told this by many people that it is almost annoying how indecisive I am. So this week I am going to try to be more confident in my decisions and stick to them. I think by doing this it may boost my confidence a little, which will inspire me to try bigger things in the future!
   I knew when I chose this topic it would be a big challenge to me and I am right. I know that this 20 Time project may not be able to fix this issue but I hope that, if I really try it can impact my life in a positive way!


  1. I think you're idea of finding self confidence is awesome! I wish I was able to be more out going/free spirited as well. I look to following you're blog and learning how to gain self confidence through this project.

  2. I am editing a video on these social experiments I made Sydney; they are exactly what you are looking for haha. I went and talked to random people about anything and it is was all freestyle and it was really fun. (I'm a size 36A in bras btw...a result from my strange social encounters) I feel like an aid to help with your indecisiveness is to be more brash and think less. Most decisions don't matter that much! It's okay to just make a decision and go with it! Go with your gut and stick with it. That is my advice :) Honestly, just be you and go with the flow. Alright good luck Sydney!

  3. I feel the exact same way about my confidence! One day I'll have a good day and feel fine about being myself, but I'll feel the complete opposite the next. I have a lot of insecurities and I find that I'm often uncomfortable with my decisions as well. I think it's awesome that you keep working towards being less shy and that you're able to identify what you can do to improve it!
