Sunday, March 30, 2014

Breaking Free

 So as many people know, I am really quiet and I prefer to stay in my comfort zone. I have a hard time connecting to others and building relationships with many people my own age. To me, just the thought of talking to people scares me more then many of you will ever realize. For years my parents and other people have told me to just break out of my shell that I have bulit up around myself but I never have really been able to do it. I always made excuses because really didn't know how. But form here on out no more excuses. I am going to try to break our of my confort zone and become more confident in myself and working on building relationships with others. For my 20 time project I plan on finding out how to become more confident and how to break down the wall I have built up between me and others. 
 One thing I tried doing to break out of shell was making a quick decision to join tennis. I have never played before and I honestly know nothing about the sport or how to play but I said "you know, what? Why not just try it?" It took a big leep of faith not only because I don't know how to play but because my best friend isn't on tennis so I didn't really know anyone on the team. But I did it anyways. I went to pactice and I didn't really do good at all (I couldn't hit anything..) but I tried my best to not care and not let myself feel like a failure. I also tried to talk to people I had never really talked to before and people I had never even met. It really wasn't that bad. I felt good about myself and even though I sucked at tennis, I was able to put myself our there, which is something I had never done before. I think that this was a step in the right direction and I hope to keep on trying new things to help me break down that wall and help me grow as a person and kill the silence. 
"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new." Brian Tracy     


  1. Wow! So risky! I'm so proud of you! You are really trying. Your tennis story was moving. Good luck with the rest of your journey! I look forward to seeing you build confidence.

  2. So cool of you to really put yourself out there! I used to be very very quiet when I firs moved to Midland, and breaking out of my shell was a long, and difficult process, but it the end, my life is much more meaningful and it was so worth it! I look forward to seeing how you do :)
