My intent of this project was to become more
confident and to become happier with myself. To accomplish this I looked into different
ways to achieve this and faced my fears of talking to people. This 20time project has really impacted me because it has changed my life for the better.
Ever since I began this project I have been growing as a person. Because
this project makes me feel more comfortable with myself I feel happier
which in turn makes others around me happier. This project could also help
others with their confidence issues because I learned that 95% of people
struggle with some form of confidence issues. Although sometimes I did
not want to be brave and try to knock down the walls of shyness and become more
confident so I had to fight through that, this made me realize that it is all in my hands to make
this change in my life. Without the will to get this done I would have
never made any improvement. The thing about this kind of learning that
works best for me is that I was able to do something for me and so it made me
want to give it my all and make it the best it could be.The thing about this kind of learning that
is a challenge for me is having enough time to make significant progress. Even
though we had one day each week it was really only an hour out of our whole
week so it was harder to have enough time to make as much progress as I would
have liked. I think that this project was mostly a success,
without this project I would not be able to have the confidence I do now. Just
yesterday I have decided that I am going to go on a mission trip to Jamaica
without really knowing anyone else going. So because I have done this project
it makes me feel more confident it myself and the willpower to go on this trip.
Still, I think that this project is a lifelong project where you can always
make improvements. You can never stop working on
your confidence rather it’s just smiling more or putting yourself out there. Because of this project I was able to work on some
of the IB world lit goals. This project helped me become more of a more of
an inquirer because I was able to learn more about myself. It also helped
me become more knowledgeable about different ways confidence issues affect
people. It made me more of a communicator because by being more confident
in myself I was then able to communicate better. This project defiantly
made me more of a risk- taker because this was always something I didn't really want to deal with and by dealing with it and taking an action I
took a giant risk.